Using Technology to Facilitate Connections between Literacy and the Broader Community
Using Technology to Facilitate Connections between Literacy and the Broader Community
(Job Creation Partnership Project)
Literacy Link South Central was pleased to conduct a Job Creation Partnership project in 2014. This project had three distinct objectives:
1. To increase the adult literacy community’s awareness and comfort level with digital technology.
To accomplish this objective, we:
Enhanced digital technology training available through literacy organizations
Promoted hands-on learning and experimentation with technology
Brought new opportunities to experience digital technology to adult literacy learners
We increased our understanding of how to incorporate gamification principles into existing adult literacy training. Recommendations were made for modifications to specific training material to enhance its effectiveness.
2. Promoted adult Literacy organizations to employment services and other organizations using videos and digital storytelling. We developed a video storytelling campaign showing potential learners from various cultural backgrounds that literacy organizations welcome them and others from their cultural community.
3. Focused on tasks that were of most valuable to each literacy agency and interpreted tasks to align with the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF). Tasks were translated into French where applicable to support French first-language learners, and Milestones were edited to plain language for easier translation to ASL.
We were proud to partner with literacy, technology and cultural organizations throughout London to achieve these goals. Our partners for this project included: