The Skills for Success are the nine skills the Canadian government has identified everyone needs to be successful in work, learning and life. Today we're continuing our look at the Skills for Success by talking about Writing . According to the Canadian government, writing is how we share information using written words, symbols, and images. For example, we use this skill to fill out forms and applications, and write emails, reports and social media posts. Learn more about writing and the other Skills for Success here , and think about the writing you do on an average day, from grocery lists to reminders to homework. If you'd like to build your reading, writing, creativity, problem solving, and other Skills for Success, Ontario's adult literacy programs offer free, individualized training that can help. Contact us to find a program in your area!
The Skills for Success are the nine skills the Canadian government has identified everyone needs to be successful in work, learning and life. Today we're continuing our look at the Skills for Success by talking about Reading . According to the Canadian government, reading skills are important so we can find, understand, and use information presented through words, symbols, and images. For example, we use this skill to locate information on forms and drawings, and to read items such as emails, reports, news articles, blog posts and instructions. Strong reading skills allow you to do your job and to work safely, and efficiently. Reading is also important in day-to-day activities, like understanding the instructions on medication bottles and interpreting weather advisories. Learn more about reading and the other Skills for Success here , and think about the different kinds of reading you do every day, including reading this blog! Did you know that adult literacy programs offer free, individualized training that can help you build all of your Skills for Success, including reading? Contact us to find a program in your area!