Literacy Link South Central is pleased to support the use of innovative educational technology (EdTech) in the adult literacy system and beyond. One type of educational technology that is growing and changing at lightning speed is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Ontario's adult literacy system, and other education systems across the province are learning about AI and considering the impact of this technology both in and out of the classroom. Seeing AI as a tool rather than a threat will help us evaluate the use of AI in education and ensure it is used in a responsible and ethical manner.
AI Bytes Newsletter
We are pleased to introduce you to AI Bytes, a series of new e-Bulletins created by Literacy Link South Central and Contact North. Each issue will focus on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used in learning environments to benefit both educators and adult learners.
AI Chatbot
The EdTech team at LLSC have designed an AI Chatbot to assist adult literacy instructors in Ontario who follow the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF). This LBS Assistant can help you create learning activities that comply with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, the OALCF, and are crafted in plain language.
Watch this helpful video to learn how to use Literacy Link South Central's new LBS Assistant:
Access the LBS Assistant here:
Do you have questions or comments about this AI Chatbot? We'd love your feedback! Email us at:
Research and Reports
Introducing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with AI (2024)
Combatting Deep Fakes in Generative AI (2024)
En français: Combattre les hypertrucages dans l'IA générative (2024)
Generative AI in Education (2024)
En français: IA générative et éducation (2024)
Video: What's Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
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