50 000 people each year in Ontario decide to upgrade their skills and improve their reading, writing and math. We increase awareness of the important role of literacy in everyone's lives.
We provide training for literacy program staff and for members of the general community. See below for two of our workshops!
Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) is committed to providing quality service to its members and stakeholders. We seek to work in an open and accountable way that builds trust and mutual respect. We continue to improve our services by listening and responding to the views of our members and stakeholders. We value the input of our customers. This includes both complaints and compliments.
Literacy Link South Central's Customer Complaint and Resolution Process will follow these steps:
We love compliments! Literacy Link South Central would greatly value knowing when you have been impressed or pleased with our services.
Please tell us about your positive experiences via the "contact us" form on our website, by email, telephone or mail. We will use these compliments to further improve our services and increase the morale of our staff and volunteers.
To continually improve our services, LLSC’s Board of Directors will also review annually a summary of all compliments based on the Customer Feedback Log.
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LLSC does not take responsibility for content or accuracy of information contained on other websites.