What We Do

What We Do

Our service area includes the counties of Oxford, Elgin, Middlesex, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk.

Did you know that 47% of the adult population in Ontario does not have the necessary skills to read, write or use numbers effectively? We refer across South Central Ontario to adult literacy programs.

50 000 people each year in Ontario decide to upgrade their skills and improve their reading, writing and math. We increase awareness of the important role of literacy in everyone's lives.

From cutting-edge programs to award-winning resources, we develop resources for literacy programs and for community members with an interest in the issue of literacy. 

We provide training for literacy program staff and for members of the general community. See below for two of our workshops!

We plan literacy services by identifying literacy-related issues and helping the community to create solutions.

We provide support and funding for innovative literacy programs that think outside of the box.

Clear Writing Workshop

Learn techniques that will help you create written materials that are easier for everyone to understand. Let us show you the tools for successful written communication.
Learn about our Clear Writing Services.

Literacy Awareness Workshop

Explore the role of literacy in our daily lives. Learn tips to identify when someone is struggling with this hidden issue and how to get them the support they need.

Learn about our Literacy Awareness Workshops

Customer Service Charter

Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) is committed to providing quality service to its members and stakeholders. We seek to work in an open and accountable way that builds trust and mutual respect. We continue to improve our services by listening and responding to the views of our members and stakeholders. We value the input of our customers. This includes both complaints and compliments. 

Literacy Link South Central's Customer Complaint and Resolution Process will follow these steps:

  1. Our Customer Complaint and Resolution Process will be openly posted in a public place in our office and feedback forms will be available upon request via e-mail or in print copy.
  2. Customer complaints must be submitted in writing in person or via email or mail. Written complaints should include the date of the complaint and a description or nature of the issue.
  3. Complaints will be submitted to LLSC’s Executive Director(s). Our Executive Director(s) will log all complaints and all follow-up activities in a Customer Feedback Log. This log will include the nature of the complaint and the date of submission.
  4. To ensure confidentiality, our Customer Feedback Log will be stored in a locked filing cabinet that is accessed only by the Executive Director(s).
  5. LLSC’s Executive Director(s) will acknowledge all complaints within three business days from their date of submission.
  6. LLSC’s Executive Director(s) or designate will follow up and try to resolve all complaints within seven business days from the date the written complaint is received. LLSC’s Executive Director(s) or designate will review and discuss the complaint to try to resolve with the complaint.
  7. LLSC’s Executive Director(s) or designate will follow up again with the complainant 14 business days after the original complaint was made to assess the complainant's satisfaction with how we resolved the issue.
  8. If the complainant is still unsatisfied with LLSC’s staff’s response to their complaint, they may submit a written appeal to the Board President care of the Literacy Link South Central office address. The President or Board designate will respond in writing to the complainant within 10 business days after the written appeal is submitted. The decision of the President or Board designate will be final.
  9. Information in the Customer Feedback Log will remain on file for one year. After this time, all records will be destroyed to ensure the confidentiality of the customer.
  10. To continually improve our services, LLSC’s Board of Directors will review annually an anonymous summary of all complaints received and adjust policies as required.


We love compliments! Literacy Link South Central would greatly value knowing when you have been impressed or pleased with our services. 

Please tell us about your positive experiences via the "contact us" form on our website, by email, telephone or mail. We will use these compliments to further improve our services and increase the morale of our staff and volunteers.

To continually improve our services, LLSC’s Board of Directors will also review annually a summary of all compliments based on the Customer Feedback Log.

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