Core Activity 2023/2024

Core Activities

Each year, in addition to Literacy Service Planning, Literacy Link

South Central participates in or leads several activities

in support of adult literacy programs across the province.

Here are some of the core activities we're working on for 2023/2024.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Community of Practice

Literacy Link South Central is proud to have led a community of practice related to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for several years. In 2023/2024 we built on that work by exploring how accessibility and UDL can be applied when creating LBS resources, and how the UDL framework can be integrated into LBS programs across the province. We also hosted two hybrid delivery workshops to share practical recommendations for integrating UDL.

To view the report "Introducing Universal Design for Learning with AI," click here.

Marketing Workplace Literacy

In 2022/2023, Literacy Link South Central created three marketing videos that demonstrate the value of workplace training. In 2023/2024, we worked with Community Literacy of Ontario to develop three step-by-step guides on how to use videos to market on-site literacy training to employers.

To view these step-by-step guides, click on tip sheet 1(Networking), tip sheet 2 (Best Practices), or tip sheet 3 (Using Marketing Language).

Strengthening Digital Literacy

Through this activity, Literacy Link South Central partnered with Provincial Support Organizations for Literacy (PSOL) to identify the digital literacy resources created across the province as part of the Skills for Success initiative. Information about these resources has been shared with literacy practitioners through a flipbook with links to categorized resources.

Click here to view the flipbook covers and get access to the QR codes for the PSOL and e-Channel resources!

Blended Delivery Case Study

Working in partnership with Contact North, we documented the experiences of three pilot sites as they took new steps towards integrating in-person delivery with e-Channel delivery. This case study demonstrates the benefits and challenges of a strategic partnership between LBS on-site service providers and e-Channel providers in the delivery of blended learning programs.

Click here for the Blended Learning 2.0 report!

Provincial Apprenticeship Committee

The provincial apprenticeship system continues to undergo changes, and with the growing need for more people entering the Skilled Trades, communication about those changes is critical. Through this committee, we worked with partners from across the province to share information about Ontario's apprenticeship system through initiatives that included:

We are thrilled to share the results of these two podcasts (available in both French and English,) including a conversation with Journeyman Ironworker and Boilermaker, and the founder of KickAss Careers Jamie McMillan, as well as a discussion with Chris Venditti, former hairdressing apprentice and owner of Fade Management Barbershop.

Click here for the #HereForApprentices podcast page.

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