Literacy Link South Central's Community Apprenticeship Skills Support (CASS) project has come to an end. The concept mapping exercise that many of you participated in has resulted in a report highlighting the client experience as they navigate our services and systems in pursuit of an Apprenticeship. Now we have current information about local realities. As a result of our three-year project journey, we have several “lessons learned” to share with you.
If you work in London/Middlesex, Oxford or Elgin County, Literacy Link South Central invites you to be part of a conversation on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 from 12:00 PM to 2:30 PM. This event will be of special interest to organizations and programs that work with people who have Apprenticeship as a goal. Together, we will highlight what we do well and explore new ways to effectively increase the number of people who enter and succeed in Apprenticeship.
To register, please click here. Lunch will be provided. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions or concerns by emailing at the time of registration.
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